
Old age
October 25th, 2003 - December 10th, 2019
Zoey was a spunky, snuggly dog who helped her family through so many tough times. She passed in her sleep and will never be forgotten.
Zoey was the first little dog I ever had in my life. My daughter wanted a dog a Yorkie to be specific. We went to a pet shop where they had many breeds of puppies. We looked at a Yorkie but then they brought out this little cute shih tzu. Full of spunk and spirit. She was the cutest dog I ever saw. She weighed 2.8 pounds. I fell in love immediately with her. My daughter said let's take her. She went everywhere with us. She always was up for an adventure. She was a therapy dog to a couple rehabilitation centers. Was a true ambassador to promoting smiles.
She was the pickiest of eaters and bossy when it came to treats. She spent her first two years living with 5 cats and was the boss of them all 12 pounds of her. She spent hours laying in the sun side by side with her cat siblings. We did get her a shih tzu brother, Randy who she hated at first but over time they became the best of friends. She also had a another brother who was so much bigger than her. Ares was a German Shepherd brother and he adored her. She adored him too but when she thought no one was looking.
I have never known a love like I had for our Zoey. She will be in my heart forever.